Survey Data

The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study is committed to the privacy of its study participants and WLS staff takes great care to maintain their confidentiality. To this aim, some variables are either not included or truncated in the publicly available data. Researchers can identify these protected variables by the note “Not Available on Public Release” in the online codebooks. If your research requires access to the protected data, please follow these instructions.

Researchers are reminded that WLS data are considered Human Subject Data and any research involving Human Subject Data requires IRB approval. WLS researchers are also reminded that they should not publish any tables with cell sizes less than or equal to five.

Explanation of Wide and Long forms of data

Data Conventions

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To summarize the data we suggest you cite this article in your research:.

Herd, Pamela, Deborah Carr, and Carol Roan. 2014. “Cohort Profile: Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS).” International Journal of Epidemiology 43:34-41 PMCID: PMC3937969.