memo122.asc – Description of SEI and Prestige releases of 1957-77 and 1992/93 data prior to January 1996
memo122a.asc – “Differences between Original WLS SEI and Prestige Scores and Revised Scores of December 1995: “”Total”” vs. Revised “”Male”” Scores Based on Featherman, Sobel, and Dickens Update of Duncan SEI and Siegel Prestige Scores – WLS 1976-77 Dec 1995 Fix”
memo122a.wk4 – Excel worksheet for memo122a WLS 1976-77 Dec 1995 Fix
memo122b.asc – “Resolution of descrepant SEI assignments: WLS Source Files [SEI70(2). LIS and SEI70(1).LIS] vs. Featherman, Sobel, and Dickens, Appendix B”
memo122b.wk4 – Excel worksheet for memo122b Resolution of discrepant SEI assignments
memo122c.asc – “SEI (Duncan) and Prestige (Siegel) Scores for 1970-Basis Occupations as Updated by Featherman, Sobel, and Dickens with Corrections and Scores for Allocation Categories”
memo122c.wk4 – “Excel worksheet for memo122c – SEI (Duncan) and Prestige (Siegel) Scores for 1970-Basis Occupations as Updated by Featherman, Sobel, and Dickens with Corrections and Scores for Allocation Categories”
memo133.asc – “Describes each mapping used in the WLS for 1970-basis Occupation variables. Lists all applicable CORS and MEMOs related to these mappings. Lists all known errors in the data, how introduced, how and when fixed.”
cor074a.asc – Revised memo on coding of father’s occupation as farmer
cor074b.asc – Theoretical Situs Location of Selected Occupations
cor074c.asc – On the coding of occupational aspirations (See also cor617a2.asc and cor617f2.asc)
cor074d.asc – Coding of graduate’s occupational choice
cor074e.asc – 1950 Census occupation codes with SEI and NORC scores
cor226.asc – “Creating major industry, major occupation, SEI, and prestige scores”
cor315.asc – Recodes of 1970-Basis Duncan and Siegel (NORC Prestige) Scores for selected occupation/class of worker/industry combinations
cor315d.asc – List of Duncan SEI and Siegel Prestige scores as originally used to code 1975-1977 occupation data
cor476.asc – Coding Occupations in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: 1992-94 Follow-Ups
cor498.asc – Occupations Which Cannot be Classified by 1970 Codes
cor512.asc – 1970 Based SEI Scores – Stevens and Featherman
cor521c.asc – “Construction of 1970 Based Major Industry, Major Occupation, Status, and Prestige Scores (rev. 1/96)”
cor525a.asc – List of all Occupations Coded for 1992/93 Survey
cor532.asc – Prestige and Status Scores for 1989/90
cor556a.asc – Correcting Class of Worker Codes for Family Workers
cor569.asc – Correction of error in major industry codes
cor575.asc – 1970 Census Industry and Occupation Codes
cor582.asc – Creation of Hourly Wage Rate Variable (replaced 6/97)
cor603a.asc – Occupation-Industry Coding Handbook for 1974-75 Follow-Up
cor605.asc – Creation of Class of Worker Variables
cor612.asc – Instructions to repair 1970-Basis Duncan and Siegel scores for 1975-77 data
cor612a.asc – List of all job variables in 1975-77 data and how they were created
cor612c.asc – Update of COR521C used to create Wave 1 occupation variables
cor613.asc – Modified assignment of Duncan and Siegel scores for 1970-basis occupation lines when industry or class of worker is missing
cor639.asc – Construction of 1990-basis Occupation Characteristics and SEI Scores
cor681.asc – Mapping 1990 Detailed Occupation and Industry Codes to 1970 Major Occupation and Industry categories
cor683.asc – Sas code to write 5% prestige scores given 1990 occ codes.
cor684.asc – Code to map 1970 Occ Codes to 1970 Occupational Education and Income Characteristics (4-digits); Code to map 1990 Occ Codes to 1990 Occupational Education and Earnings Characteristics (4-digits).
cor713.asc – This document–details the status scales checked and the errors found in the 1970-basis mappings – “SAS code (module) that contains the final versions of DUNCAN SEI, SIEGEL, PRESTIGE, MSEI2, TSEI2, OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION SCORES, and OCCUPATIONAL INCOME SCORES used I the WLS data. Sets missing data appropriately for each wave. Sets scores appropriately depending on type of missing data for Split Occupation lines. Also maps MAJOR OCCUPATION and MAJOR INDUSTRY categories (but see MEMO133 for explanation of these.) To obtain the 1970-basis mappings from a SAS MACRO call, see COR7131.SAS and COR713m.SAS.”
cor713a.asc – ” Duncan’s original 1950-basis SEI scores. From Duncan 1961a (Reiss), Appendix B-1″
cor713b.asc – “Duncan’s original 1950-basis SEI scores for 1950 Major Occupation Categories. From Duncan 1961a (Reiss), Table VII-4”
cor713c.asc – “Duncan’s 1950-basis SEI scores for 1950 Major Occupation Categories, some split by Industry and/or Class-of-Worker as in Blau and Duncan 1967. From Duncan 1961b (Mimeo).”
cor713d.asc – Duncan’s 1950-basis SEI scores for 1960 Detailed Occupation Categories. Industry/Class-of-Worker Splits are included. From Duncan 1961c (Mimeo).
cor713e.asc – “Siegel’s 1960-basis PRESTIGE scores for 1960 Detailed Occupation Categories. From Siegel 1971, Table 5”
cor713f.asc – “Footnote from Featherman, Jones and Hauser (1975), which lists the SEI and PRESTIGE scores for Major Occupation Categories (but rounds PRESTIGE to two digits!)”
cor713g.asc – “Appendix B from Featherman, Sobel and Dickens (1975) which maps 1960-basis SEI and PRESTIGE scores (COR713d and COR713e above) to 1970 Detailed Occupation Categories”
cor713h.xls – “An EXCEL worksheet containing the data in Tech. Paper 26, Table 1. Instructions for using this spreadsheet are included in this COR (COR713.ASC).”
cor713i.xls – Mapping 1960 Detailed Industry Categories to the 1970 Detailed Industry Classification System – for use with COR713h.XLS
cor713j.xls – “Calculations of SEI/MSEI/TSEI/Occ.Ed./Occ.Inc. score to use when a weighted average must be computed. For example, when class-of-worker is not known, or when an allocated occupation category is used to represent an entire major occupation category (rather than allocation for missing data, as in the Census usage.)”
cor713k.tar – SAS programs and ASCII data files for checking TOTAL- based Occupational Education and Occupational Income scores. To be used with the original Nam-Powers data (educ.dat and income.dat) found in COR638.ZIP. – Code to call COR713m.SAS as a MACRO. Edit the template in COR713l.SAS to call COR713m.SAS as a SAS MACRO. – COR713.SAS in a SAS MACRO format. This MACRO code should not be changed. Use the template in COR713l.SAS to get the scores from COR713m.SAS.
cor725.asc – Updates for Best Measures of Father’s Occupation (11/00)