Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Supplemental Data

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Description of Datasets

1975 Employer Characteristics

This data module contains company characteristics for current or last job that the graduate respondent held in the five years preceeding and including 1975. This file only contains records for those who responded to the 1975 survey and who had a job sometime up to and including five years before the 1975 survey (n= 7801).

College Characteristics

This data module contains one record for each respondent who named a college last attended in response to 1964 questionnaire, or who in response to 1975 questionnaire reported a valid college for either receiving a BA or college last attended. There are 4033 records in this module. Those who reported college attendance, but refused to name the school are not included in this data module.

1957-1993 Female Graduate’s Job History

The data in this module was constructed by Jennifer Sheridan for her 1996 master’s thesis. This subset of WLS data puts women’s jobs in chronological order. All jobs asked about in the WLS data are used. Birthdates of children and date of first marriage were used to place the married women’s work history jobs in order. There are 5042 cases in this module.

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